Saturday, July 25, 2015

Singing at Devotions

Snap Shots in Summer

 I don't normally eat bread. I have celiacs but I bought some gluten free bread as a special treat because my neighbor brought over blackberries and vine ripened tomatoes. I decided to make the sandwiches my dad taught me how to eat as a kid which is toasted tomato sandwich. I loved every sandwich I was able to make!!!

Grandma and Grandpa L Come to Visit

Grandma and Grandpa L
We went to tour the USS Wisconsin (older kids anyway) and go to the museum!
Very neat.

We went down to the boardwalk near the beach, went to watch an IMAX, and the kids had a grand time playing games with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma and Grandpa gave them different names to go by and used them in the game Monopoly. G was "Big Al":-) They got a big kick out of that!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

C's First Time Driving a Car!

I'll do another post as to why we were at this amusement park but I wanted to post this video of C giving driving a try for the first time!! We got a kick watching him:-)

Back tracking to One of Our Adventures in May

 In May we took the kids to the Outer Banks of North Carolina just for the day but we saw A LOT in that one day! First we went to Kitty Hawk. I really wasn't expecting this to be all that interesting about the first flight of the Wright brothers but I was very pleasantly surprised that it was VERY INTERESTING. The people that put the outdoor part of the museum together were sharp! They made it SOOOO interesting to learn about the first flight and all the outdoor walking was really fun. We trekked up Kill Devils Hill and saw a beautiful view. That hill is where the brothers sent their plane off from. We all REALLY enjoyed this trip! It said the brothers took turns flying which was interesting.

 It was funny that we had a hard time understanding how the outside part of the museum was laid out showing the lengths of the different flights but "A" understood their method and explained it to us and then we thought it was sooo cool!!
 Top of Kill Devil Hill

After Kitty Hawk we went to the area near where they believe the lost colony of Roanoke may have been located! Of course their is not much to see but still was so interesting! After we watched the video in the museum and talked some about it we were walking through the museum and little J went up to a map and ran his finger around the map and said "and they were never seen again!" People got a KICK out of him. He was picking up on the history too!!
 This is near the lost colony location and is a real earthworks for
defense while fighting a battle!

After the lost colony we went to Cape Hatteras Light House which is the tallest light house in North America. It was decided that just R, C, and I would go all the way up (the little kids couldn't go anyway). I didn't think it would bother me except maybe getting tired. I was terrified because the inside of the spiral stairs had no solid wall and the railing was LOW!!! But we made it and it will be a GREAT memory for us. The view at the top was BEAUTIFUL and so worth the fear on the way up. I had to reel in the enthusiasm of my 8 year old coming down. His feet needed to touch every step, etc.

 R and C at the top
 Looking down from the top at B and the kiddos!!
 Brave and at the top!!

A Simple Thank you

I went to put J down for bed and saw that I hadn't put his sheets and blankets back on after he had an accident and I had to wash them. I went down to get them and when I brought them up he said to me that he had pottied on those. I reassured him that I had washed them and he said "Shoo!! Thank you Mommy!" No pay better than that.

Before I forget . . .

I better get these stories down before I forget them . . .

Little J (3 years old) thought one of the twins said "two" to him the other day and he emphatically said "I am NOT two I am fourteen!"

R, Big Boy C, and Little J were out riding bikes and in J's case a scooter toy. R crossed a line and said "I won!" Then little J wanting to be a winner too said "I won too". I already know the kids view on "everybody winning" because they have heard it before and talk about it that that is what liberals say.  They STRONGLY dislike the philosophy. So I said "Everybody wins " just to make a joke. Shortly thereafter C (6 years old) rides by on his bike and says "I don't see how a man could be liberal." Too funny but thinking about it that is a good point! Boys like to be the best and they strive for that! What boy wants to be a mediocre winner with everyone else??? My 6 year old certainly didn't get it!!

The other day we were going to walk to the library which is about a 20 minute walk. It ended up being a blistering hot walk but we made it. I let the 3 older ones take their bikes and my 6 year old wanted to bring his scooter. I said "No" he would not be able to ride 40 minutes on a scooter and would be faster for him to walk. He knew how to ride a bike but was not good at it yet. I told him he needed to start practicing on his bike and then I would let him take that.

Big C took it to heart and often asks me to take him out to ride his bike and he has improved A LOT in just about a week and a half! Anyway, it is so cute to watch him. Last night when I took him out he was singing over and over again as he rode up and down the street "there is power, power, wonder working power in the Lamb!" Then one time as he sped by he said "when you hear that sound it is my bike.":-) He was quite proud of the loud whirring sound of fast tires.:-) I took him out again this morning and was really getting a kick out of hearing him sing another hymn which I cannot remember the name of.