Monday, August 24, 2015

Battle of Petersburg

This was a one day outing out and about. If I remember correctly the Battle of Petersburg was the last battle of the Civil War. We had a tremendous day as a family which is most important.

We also got to see a replica of a very important cannon which I can not remember the name of right now!
C and I got to pretend we were in the battle and that was the highlight of my day.
If I have a son likely to end up in the miliary it is C and someday I may write him a letter
when he grown and on the battle field and say "remember when we once marched together?"

C on the left is a tough girl as you can see in the picture but she can be sweet too! 
She has a lot of brothers to keep in line and she has NO problem pointing her finger and telling them
whatever she thinks necessary within her small but ever growing vocabulary.
B on the right is dainty and sweet.

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