Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 2/21-2/26

I am having to look backward at this week so it will be spotty since I only recently decided to start this type of journaling.

Tuesday--I remember my birthday! I turned 39! We had had my major celebration before my hubby left for overseas last week. He made me a SUPER yummy meal and then we had a piece of Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake!! The kids made me very sweet cards and some got me Dollar Tree gifts. Little J (3) used his dollar bill to buy me a birthday balloon. "A" got me cozy socks, and R bought me nail polish and a brush. So sweet!

 Anyway, today the kids ate Peep Cake which had Easter Peeps on top of brightly colored cake and I got gluten free cup cakes since I have Celiacs.  The party ended with the big kids putting smaller kids on their backs with pretend weapons and running around the house. "B" (2 1/2) put her doll behind her like she was a big kid. Very cute!! I love my kiddos.

Can't remember what night it was that Little C was having a very hard time not melting as we were waiting for kids to get done with swim practice but by the time it was done. I was done too:-/ We got home and R asked how he could help and their really wasn't much he could help with so he went off by himself and found something that he thought would help Mommy on his own. I walked into my room and he was folding clothing and cleaning!! So SWEET and such a blessing after a stressful night.

We finished our lunch time book on the Klondike Goldrush. I may do more on that later but we REALLY enjoyed the true stories of the men and women of the Klondike Goldrush!!!

Fridays "G" and "A" go to a local school to help run a Bible Club. They mainly help corraling kiddos and helping some with the skits. This Friday one little kiddos was having  a rough time and he was asked to sit next to "G" during this time he asked "G" GREAT questions and "G" gave him the right answers and that is what it is about! Learning about Christ! The little one asked "Why did Jesus have to die and not someone else?" "They put bad guys on the cross so why was Jesus put on the cross?"
Great experience for my kiddos. Jesus loves the little children. On our way home I needed to stop for groceries but I had very hungry kids and it was approaching dinner time so I decided for fun to let the kids pick out each one what TV dinner they wanted. They enjoyed that!!!! Two kids got chicken and waffles and Mmmm, Mmmm did those ever smell good!!! It was probably not the most economical way of eating but was fun for the kids!

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