Thursday, July 24, 2014

Spreading Wings

As parents we are always experiencing "firsts" with our first child. As we have moved recently I have seen pictures of my G as a little boy. I cherish those moments of Babe and I starting as new parents. Really, the little boy hasn't change much except for physically growing taller. He is still the silly, kind, tender, and smart kid. Yesterday he asked if I was stressed and then proceeded to do things that annoy me all at once with a big smile on his face. G's way of saying loosen up Mommy and have a good laugh.

This week we have started a new first. G is soon to begin Jr. High. Not only is he starting Jr. High but starting it at an academically challenging school. This week he is in class to get up to speed some on Latin. The first day he came home and started telling me his homework and inside I was Very nervous. In my head I am thinking . . . Wow, this is HARD. Usually I think of beginnings in school as gradually working into things but not so here. Another parent told Babe that they move very quickly. NO KIDDING. G though was taking it in stride and didn't seem overly worried at all. He showed me the college Latin textbook. I knew I couldn't say anything like "this is CRAZY!" Then it hit me G is intelligent. God has truly gifted him with the ability to grasp this stuff! If it had been me I would have come home crying that I was in over my head.

Last night G had finished his written work and wanted me to help quiz him over the memorization. We worked on the first part and drilled and drilled and drilled on one section . . . "Oh, there is a lot more Mommy." The next part was memorizing 36 tense endings (there was again more after this). I was so surprised and happy to see that G already knew most of them from class and it was only his second day. We laughed last night as my tongue slipped and I wanted him to tell me the 6 "future past" tenses:-0 Oops, slip of the tongue but we had a good laugh.

I know this year will be a challenge. This week he is only working on one subject. What will it be like when he has a full load? What will it be like going to start Jr. High in a new school where everyone has their clicks? . . . I don't know. In my thoughts yesterday I thought of the plaque hanging on the wall in G's room. The plaque was given to him by our church in CO as a parting gift just for him. It has the verse:

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 
When G saw I had put this up on his wall he was happy.
But really as I think it isn't about the academic tests it's about the character tests. Will he persevere? Will he be kind when maybe others aren't? Will he have "an excellent spirit" when under pressure? This will be a year of some serious growing up. I am excited for him and I will be backing him in prayer.

G is spreading his wings and learning to fly. Is it hard to watch? Yes, somewhat. Is it exciting? Yes.
Thankful for prayer. Thankful for the goodness of God. Thankful for a son with a personal relationship with Christ. Lots to be thankful for.

Today Babe went to go pick G up from class. His teacher said G "was a joy to teach." We're thankful for that and thankful for G's love of learning. He really enjoys Latin and his Latin teacher although he is not always thrilled about the amount of work that comes with it or the conjugating!

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