Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Blessings I Cherish

We have had stressful days here as 3 kids came down with nasty sickness. One kiddo (Baby C) got pnuemonia and Baby B and J got a very nasty virus and our house looks like a train hit it since we are trying to move in. I have a lot of blogging to catch up on but I wanted to get this down. Two different days recently "G" has shared with me how God is working or showing him something in his life and honestly with all the stress in a day this comes as such a blessing to see that despite the caos of moving my child is walking with the Lord.

A few nights ago "G" called me into his room and wanted me to see the verse he had just come across. He said he had just finished his nightly routine of confessing his sins from the day and opened his Bible to read and his eyes fell on the following verse and he was obviously blessed by it.

Psalm 86:5
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive;
and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

Also, all on his own doing he has been reading a book on how to get along with your siblings. It is an excellent book and I had read it to the kids about 4 years ago but G found it and decided to read it again. He said reading it he felt like a survellience camera had been watching him:-) It talked about pits falls first borns usually fall into when dealing with their siblings. Any way he called me aside today and said that there was an area of his life that through reading the book he had been convicted about and that when he read the Scripture about that problem he indicated it really did a number on him and he wanted me to know that he was going to try to do better. What more could a parent want? A child whose heart is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in their life. Praise the Lord!! What a tremendous blessing.

This Mom cherishes moments like this. God is so good. 

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