Friday, June 19, 2015

Sound of Music School Production

"G" was in his school's Spring play. He had tried out for this after Christmas but didn't make the cut. He was disappointed and it ended up being a great learning opportunity of resting in God's plan/will. Due to a change in plans later on he was called up and needless to say the director did a lot of work with him to get him ready for his small part of yodeling and puppet dancing.:-)

 In other schools he would have been made fun of but this school is very unique. In fact, G said to me one day "Do you know what makes Veritas different from other schools?" He said "No one cares if they are cool or not." That is a unique school. The seniors talk to the 7th graders, etc. G was even invited to one of the seniors graduation party. We were so impressed with the quality of the students that he attended school with each day. What a blessing for him to get the opportunity to be apart of this AMAZINGLY well preformed production!! He now has seen the work it takes to put on a production. He was EXHAUSTED show week but also having lots of fun. One day he fell SOUND asleep going to the theater where they performed and a friend of mine thought it was so funny how out he was!! She said her daughter was the same.

The production was like watching the movie just about. The talent was amazing.

At the post production party they gave everyone a silly award and G got the "I can sing award.":-)

One of G's foavorite teachers. She taught his Omnibus class.

A senior that the kids really got a kick out of and enjoyed watching him play the part of a na*zis in the play!!! He scored a perfect score in at least 2 sections of the SAT:-) and yet he takes time to stop and talk and laugh with little ones. Sharp and godly young man he is.

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