Thursday, May 28, 2015

Kindergarten Graduation!

 It was time to celebrate C's Kindergarten graduation! This was our 4th kindergarten graduation party! It was so fun to finally get to this point since we had been talking to C about kindergarten graduation for a long time and he knew he would get what we call a cookie cake, which is a family tradition, for this special celebration! After talking about picking that cookie out for so long we finally got to go and buy one. We had a wonderful party! We gave him a big, made for the beach, sand shovel for heavy duty sand digging. Grandma and Grandpa J got him a Bible which was perfect. We usually buy a Bible for K Grad but I wasn't on the ball and hadn't picked one out but my parents had! C really likes his Bible and at night he has been bringing it to me and asking me to have devotions with him!! Last night listening to his prayer was so wonderful as I listened to what he chose to pray about. He is so tenderhearted and caring.

He learned so much this year. It is always exciting to see the increase in knowledge and skills by the end of the year. Although homeschooling is not easy (to me anyway) I am very grateful I was able to have C at home for kindergarten. I'll pass the baton to a classroom teacher next year though.

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