Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Funny Stories

A little while back I could not find my cell phone anywhere but knew it had to be close since I had used it that morning and never left the house. This is not exactly anything new I am a scatter brain right now! My friend E wonders if I should put it in something and wear it around the house so I always have it. But she knows how I am and said but then I'd have to remember to put it in the carrier!! She did not say this in a mean way or annoyed way she is not that type of friend! She is always looking for ways to help me.

Anyway, the whole family was downstairs hanging out and doing school EXCEPT for little J who was upstairs in his crib supossedly taking a nap. Babe said to me that I could have his phone for use. As I was sitting there Babe's phone rang and it said "Sunshine" (His nickname for me). I thought Huh? My phone is calling this phone? Interesting! So I answered it and nobody responded but I could hear noises. It was just a tad bit creepy to me! It wasn't any of the big kids so I went up to Jedidiah's room and when I walked in he was laying on his belly in his crib and just kinda smiled up at me. Hmm, ok. I walked out and came and reported to Babe. He decided to go check on J himself and sure enough when he went in there was J playing on my cell phone!! Smart little booger!! Here is the weird thing my phone locks after a pretty short period of inuse so what we were all amazed about was how did he get past the 4 digit code needed to use the phone? One of the kids said maybe he is a "code breaker"! Toooo funny!!!! I asked little J about calling Mommy and he pointed up to his bedroom like Yah, that was me!!

Also, I was testing Annalina over some history and it was talking about things like the Hellenistic Age, etc. Anyway, I was describing an age and then asking what age it was and she said "the Hectic Age". Again, to funny. No, that would be the age we are living in now!!!:-)

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