Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Road Trip With Daddy

Due to the twins needing to stay in away from germs a lot of time has been spent in the house! Babe and I thought it would be nice if the older kids could go on a little road trip with Daddy and just get away for awhile. I stayed home with the twins and J. They went on this trip at the end of their Christmas break.

On the trip they went to the Sand Dune National Park, Mesa Verde National Park, and Four Corners. They all really enjoyed their road trip. It was quite cold but they still had a great trip and enjoyed staying in hotels with pools!!
G, A, R, and C at the Sand Dunes. Oh, and A's doll Kaya!
Babe took this beautiful picture of the dunes and mountains!!
The kids at Four Corners. They had really wanted to see this!

Four Corners
Above picture is Mesa Verde. Annalina is into American Indians.
She LOVES things dealing with indians so this was a fun area to come to!

Above pictures are all Mesa Verde.

J was EXTREMELY happy to have Daddy and the big kids home again!!
While they were gone Ross bought me a magnet with his money which was so sweet. "A" wrote me notes at night using the hotel stationary pad and would get the boys to say something to me too. I love those notes!  C dictated a note to to "A" for me that read "I wish you were here. Please come anyway." I just love that! "A" wrote me a note about seeing a dress and how she would have showed it to me had I been there, etc.  It is nice to be thought of!

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