Monday, February 10, 2014

Tidbits of Today

"I was being so nice to Brita that I was almost like a babysitter!"--Carson Comment Today


Speaking of the hymn . . . "Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord, abide in Him always and feed on His word, make friends of God's children, help those who are week, forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek."

Ross said to me as he was holding Brita this morning. . . "when I hear 'help those who are week' I think of Brita". How sweet! He is so good with the girls and so compassionate! This morning he had Brita in a blanket and was cuddling her in a chair. It was super sweet! He adores both the twins but the reason he picked Brita like that is because she is the one with physical problems and needs therapy, etc. Which reminds me of another memory to put down.

Brita's last OT therapy appt. Ross asked if he could go in with me. He was EXCELLENT helping out the therapist!!! The therapist said he was hired!! He really seemed to be naturally cued in to how she did things. One of the funny things that happened though was he said to Brita "your sister is out there eating a bottle and you're in therapy." Brita started to cry!! Then later in the session the therapist spoke of a bottle again and Brita started to cry again! The therapist said no more using the word bottle! Too funny.

Brita is a very sunny smiley baby but during therapy she is a lot more reserved. She's cooperative but reserved. She may get over that as she learns that it does not cause pain. She has had some painful moments in her orthopeadic appts. so that may be in her memory.


Today Christiana weighed 12 lbs. 15 ozs. and Brita weighed 12 lbs 5 ozs. They will be 7 months on the 17th of this month.


Baby was walking by the piano tonight and he said J was "playing" the piano and saying "Yah, Yah, Yah" and he smiled at Daddy like he was really doing some playing and singing. Adorable.

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