Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saying Goodbye To Family

Me with Niece T.
I am going to miss my nieces!
My brother Q with Babe and Baby C.
Me with my sweet Sister-in-law.
Are we styling or what?!!
Auntie T with J!
J and Little C having a great time at the park.
"A" with Cousin A!
Look at Baby B sitting up by herself!!
What a big girl!!!
Cousin A loves to hold Baby B.

We had a great day with my brother Q, sister-in-law T, and Cousins/Nieces A and T! They came to say goodbye to us us. During this day our house was being packed up so Babe and Q stayed at the house with the kiddos while my Sister-in-Law T,  J, and I went on a shopping trip! May seem strange to go shopping but on their way to our house they got a phone call and found out that they were going to be getting twin 3 year old boys AND a 5 week old girl on Wednesday of next week!! She had lots to prepare and I love shopping so it was nice to get be with her as she prepared! It will be a fun memory!
After we were done shopping it was time for dinner and they treated us to a wonderful mexican meal which is really one of my favorites. It was fun and very helpful to us to sit and have a hot meal when our house was boxed up!

We're going to miss them very much!

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