Monday, February 9, 2015

Mr. Personality

 Just about everywhere we go this kid gets attention. People just love him. He is VERY full of life and personality. There is nothing quiet or laid back about this kid . . . it is full throttle.  He is learning a lot and he used to not engage people that would talk to him but we have really worked on that. We are teaching him how to respond and he works so hard at it and has been so friendly lately.
He very often talks in a very growly voice and recently I heard him singing "a wrech like me I once was lost" in a VERY growly way. Too cute!!
Another day he was cuddling close to little sis B and then kissed her on the cheek. He then stated "let me be a little kinder, let me be a little minder." Which is quote from a song about thinking more about other people over yourself and being kind!! I was impressed he put it all together!

He treats the twins VERY differently. Baby B he treats tenderly and talks to her about things. Baby C is his play mate and has no need to say kind things to her. I heard him the other day say "Let's play C!" They can get into wash cloth fights which is very funny to watch.

I have learned recently that he is very loyal to brother R during toy sword fights. "A" told me that J does not want to turn against R in battle!

We were at a store that had beautiful jewlery and he wanted me to get it for me. Very sweet.

We recently bought him a Bible story book that comes in a carrying case like you might put a Bible in. He said "I want to read the Bible." Tonight at devotions he had it out and open!!! Baby steps to Jesus.

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