Sunday, February 15, 2015

Precept upon Precept, Line upon Line . . .

I did a post previously about J and him being full of personality. He is a strong willed kiddo that we will continue to teach and tell about Jesus. It is very interesting to me that when I ask him who is his favorite person he says "Jesus" he then points to me and tells me that he loves me but "Jesus" is who pops into his mind. Why is that? Why is that for a 2 year old that can not see Jesus or feel his arms giving him a hug or literally hear Jesus speak words of comfort to him? Because even at this young age he has some measure of faith a childlike faith that still needs to mature but knows and is comforted that their is a God that loves him and he knows he sent His son to die on the cross for his sins and watches that He watches over him.

By the way, I don't have ANY children that are not strong willed. The will is shown in very different ways but it is there in full force.:-) Our children are not robots they are living gifts from God to be taught and loved and trained in the ways of God and just like my husband and I came to a decision as to if we would accept Christ that is up to each one of my children. I pray that my children will grow up to love Him with all their "hearts, souls, and minds" and that they will find spouses who do the same.

So here is a video clip of my strong minded and very silly 2 year old. By they way I say the verse is out of Jeremiah I messed up the reference with another passage this is out of James 3. Honestly, probably no one can even understand what he is saying.:-)

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