Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Friends

This is our funny pose. By the way, my hubby has a good hold of little B. She was exhausted after a long play at the playground and easily upset.

A meeting of the minds:-)
It was fun to see B with someone so similar in 
many ways to him! They had a GREAT time talking!

There is a story behind these friends. They invited us to their home for a long weekend after our husbands worked together for awhile over seas. What brave people for inviting a family of 9 that they didn't even know all of us yet! They are such a wonderful kind-hearted family.

After the kids went to bed we stayed up very late each night talking and laughing and sharing experiences and stories and ideas but the last night we talked spiritually. When my hubby and I got to bed we were talking about the evening and it just seemed like the Holy Spirit was right there in the midst. They are moving over seas in not to terribly long but what fun memories we will have of them. That is military life.

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