Saturday, December 5, 2015

"A" turns 12 (November 5th)

 It is very hard to believe that "A" is now 12 years old!! All of a sudden my life seems to be speeding up and I see my oldest kiddos growing up. "A" almost 2 years ago now went through a very tough surgery that I have been told is one of the 2 most painful surgeries there are. She was having a birth defect corrected. That surgery was very rough not only for her but for her mommy. I will NEVER forget when she was waking up from the surgery in EXTREME pain and scared about her breathing and helping her through that first night. Something I never want to relive but I wouldn't change it in the world that I could be there for her and remind her of her Heavenly Father's care. I know that experience is all part of her Heavenly Father's plan for her and her ministry for Him.

"A"is a very humble girl that never draws attention to her accomplishments. I am so thankful for her. She is truly a gem from above.
 R got her a speaker for her ipad from the $5 store and she loved that!

 Big brother G gave her a HUGE package of NERDS 
for which she was very happy with.
We got her leather teepee boots which are basically a moccasin.
"A" loves indian items. We also got her a necklace that says "radiant" and 
the place that sold it said that it was to remind people that all that look to Him (God)
will live radiantly. I thought that would be a great reminder.

She really enjoyed her birthday which basically was celebrated 3 days. Thursday of her birthday her Jr. High girls Bible study in the neighborhood celebrated with brownies and ice cream, Friday our family celebrated, Saturday Daddy took her out for a steak dinner. She loved it all!

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