Saturday, December 5, 2015

Our Thanksgiving

 The above 2 pictures were taken on the day before Thanksgiving as we were having
our school Thanksgiving party. We read "Squanto" by Eric Metaxes, watched "Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving" which we loved, and watched a history DVD on the first Thanksgiving by a children's history production. Leading up to this day we read "Voyage to Freedom" by David Gay which we have now read at least 4 times! We read some pieces out of Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation". It was extremely inspirational to read from chapter 9 and a little past about the Pilgrim's response to hardship and sickness. How they cared for there own and those that persecuted them.
 Thanksgiving day was relaxed and wonderful. Just what we needed!!!
We took some of the littles (Big sister wanted to come too) to the playground and
they had a grand time on a perfect weather day!!

 Big sister to the rescue
 Adventurous B
 Above is our Thanksgiving meal which Daddy made rib roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, and I made our traditional Cranberry Fluff Salad.

Even though this year has truly been a year of hardship we have much to thank our Heavenly Father for that the list could go on and on.
We had Kiya and Reebah which for our meal showed up as
an indian and a pilgrim for our special meal!!!

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