Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Beautiful Gift

This is a gift my G brought to me on Friday after taking the trash out he found this on the bush. He has appreciated flowers since he was a LITTLE boy (reminds me of his Grandpa J). Anyway, he put it in water and brought it to me. Very Sweet. Thankful for him and the cheerfulness he brings to our home.

G is a serious student of history especially military history. He loves to tell me what he learns and has expanded my knowledge from his stories! He told me yesterday after telling me more stories that he noticed the successful military men were the ones who were kind, humble, or those with character was the jist  . . as compared to and he named men I have never heard of in military history that were full of arrogance. The Bible should be our most important text book but history also teaches a lot and I am glad he pays attention to the lessons of history.

He and I were laughing the other day because in one of his classes from Veritas Press (we love Veritas Press classes) the teacher was lecturing about friendships in a certain literary classic. Anyway, he told the story about he and his two kids and they were all play sword fighting. His daughter was the "good guy" and he and his son were the "bad guys". All of a sudden the teacher's 6 year old son turned on him and started fighting against him! He asked his son why since they were on the same team and his son's reply was "bad guys don't have friends!" So true!! We got a good laugh from that!!!

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