Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Grandpa with his award and Big C

My Dad was awarded recently the Defender of the Scripture Award from an organization. He is the 2nd recipient to get it. After hearing about Grandpa's award "C" quietly said 
"If King James were still alive he would've been proud of you." 
That was so cute and sweet. We are proud of Grandpa and his stand for the Scriptures for which he has paid a big price. 

Our churches today are confused with all different translations. The big problem with this issue is that it is confusing for the typical person and so many people either do what is easy or what the crowds do. Some do enough study to see what they want I suppose:-)

Thankful for my dad's stand for the truth of Scriptures. An interesting read would be about Hobby Lobby's accumulation of Bible manuscripts and which Bible they hold dear. This year they are opening a Bible Museum 2 blocks from the main mall of Washington D.C. After reading the article and why they were building this museum I was even more impressed with the company.

Over this Christmas break Grandpa started teaching "G" on this topic and "G" loved sitting and listening to Grandpa's words of wisdom and experience. It is a lot for an 8th grader to process but little by little he can learn.

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