Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Thankfulness of the year past

Top 5 Things I am Thankful For this New Year:
1) My Salvation and the love of my Saviour
2) My husband, who is one of the most genuine Christians I have ever met and a loving husband.
3) My children, who although not perfect just as their parents aren't, desire to honor their parents and right in the sight of God. Of course, this is a daily choice that they and everyone must choose each day.
4) I am not a hero person but I must say I hold very high my parents and our last church family who are much a like, probably because they came from the same generation. These people are rare and few any more, this I know. I so want my children to reflect their grandparents generation.
5) My pastor, whose preaching of the Scriptures is always done in love with truth. His messages have been such a huge source of encouragement.

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