Thursday, April 10, 2014

Stories For My Mommy Memory

I like to take the kids with me when I go to do things concerning taking care of the twins. It is good for the kids to learn how to meet and interact with different people and watch the jobs they do. They may want to do a similar job in the future!

I decided to take C who is 4 years old with me this day. C is a soft spoken kiddo who can be VERY shy with people he doesn't know. We really work on his social skills and I give him my expectations before we get wherever we are going. He knows he is to look directly at the person, speak loud enough that they can hear, greet and say good bye. I don't expect his personality to change but I do expect good manners. Sometimes he does well and other times not so well but recently it is exciting to see the good happening more and more and actually see him start a conversation with an adult.

Weeks back I took C with me to Baby B's physical therapy appt. Physical therapy is no fun. Brita has a condition where one side of her neck is very tight and it gets worked on to relax. It is painful. Anyway, Brita cried almost the whole 45 minute session. No fun! The therapist was holding her and said that she wasn't really in pain just mad. WRONG!!!!!!! I have learned though sometimes medical people say this. I've heard it before. I don't know if they do it trying fool us as moms and make us feel better or what. But moms know their kids and when they are in pain. Plus, Baby B doesn't get mad only very sad. I decided not to say anything about the erroneous comment. All of a sudden a very soft voice spoke but hard to hear everything it said. It was big brother C. C speaks very slowly, quietly, and methodically. The therapist said "What did you say?" He spoke up but again spoke very slowly "It is hard to imagine a newborn being mad." Oh, boy! Out of the mouths of babes. She tried at naught to explain herself. She had just been put in place by a sweet caring 4 year old AND SHE KNEW IT. When we were getting ready to leave the therapist said to C "You are quite the big brother." She was impressed with the level of care he gave his sister and that was obvious. He was talking to Baby B during therapy saying "Don't cry Mommy and brother Carson are here."

I told a friend of mine this story and she said "Carson is right!" I agreed. What a kid.


My big kids were gone for a number of weeks at my parents house and then my hubby and one of the kids went to go pick them up so it was the 3 youngest at home. It was a very snowy day. The schools in the area cancelled for the day. It seemed like a time to stay inside and be warm and I had even said that probably wouldn't have any showings for our house that is on the market. Sure enough a call came someone wanted to see the house in one hour. I asked for an hour and 15 minutes and good thing I did because I left with about 6 minutes left. Needed to not only pick up the house but shovel the sidewalk and some of the driveway.

Anyway, I couldn't find my keys for the van. I knew I needed to get it running to warm up for the twins especially. I was going around saying "Keys!, Keys!" All of a sudden my one year old J came running and had gotten the ring of baby multi-colored plastic keys! SOOOOO sweet and SOOOOO cute! He also was trying to help me get the house ready by moving the boxes of diapers from Costco. He was trying to help Mommy!! We had a very interesting ride in the 15 passenger van with some big fishtailing on the highway! Saw one man stuck, etc.

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