Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Twins First Trip To The Zoo!--Denver Zoo

Baby B
On one of the few spring like days this month we took the kids to the Denver Zoo for a field trip. It really was the PERFECT day for it with beautiful and warm sunshiny weather! The girls have been getting out and about and how nice to be outside for an extended period of time. Brita can be a bit tricky taking out if she has a bowel movement since changing a dirty diaper with the cast on is more challenging but I completed that hurdle! Jedidiah had a terrible 2 moment or two but that is a day in the life of our lives!

Gabriel seems to be taking to taking pictures so he took all the animal and flower pictures. I thought he did a great job!! He really wants a camera to take not only outdoor pictures but stop motion animation pictures. We'll see what happens for his birthday coming up.

It was great to be out with the whole family having fun. We were in agreement though that the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo we like a whole lot more! That is the zoo near us! We LOVE that zoo!!

Baby C

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