Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Lost Sheep -- By GL

The Lost Sheep
By GL (My oldest kiddo)

A lost sheep lay
Longing for his bed of hay
When Lo, in the night
He heard the Shepherd's voice keen and bright
He ran with all his strength
And when at length
He saw His master
He baa'd happily and ran faster
But when he lay in his master's arms
He thought of all the charms
The world has too offer
And realized they were like arms
Trying too bring him in 
To the depths of sin.

Isaiah 53:18
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; 
and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.


I was really happy to read this poem of G's. No, it is not a Longfellow poem but what I appreciate about it is that he was thinking spiritually. He picked a perfect verse to go with his poetic thoughts. 

As parents it is not perfection we want (it may seem that way at times!) but a heart that is turned and tender toward Christ. May G keep his heart and mind stayed on Christ for that takes constant vigilance.

Of course Grandparents are cheerleaders and so here's what Grandma J had to say about the poem:

"That is so good! I love it. Surely he ought to get some school credit for it. Add the Word [our last name] to the name. Tell G he's poet and don't know but his feet are "Longfellows!'"

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