Monday, August 11, 2014

Big C is a Big Jumper!

We sometimes call Baby C our "goat" or "mountain goat". We call her that because if she can get something to her mouth she will just like a goat. Goats aren't picky! I guess we could call her C the kangaroo too!!! She is quite the jumper . . . reminds me of G when he was this age. We've never have a kiddo since G that could jump like him but Baby C is getting pretty close!!

Two Sundays ago Baby B started pulling up onto her feet!! She is also waving now. She is progressing so quickly! Sometimes cries when she gets up to her feet probably for 2 reasons . . . she hasn't figured out how to just sit down again and I think her leg may not be super strong so it gets fatigued but even that I think is getting better.

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