Monday, August 25, 2014

R's Early 8th Birthday Celebration Deep Sea Fishing in the Atlantic Ocean

This is my new Favorite picture of R. He is so passionate about life and his smile fills my heart. I love turning around somewhere and seeing R next to me with a BIG smile on his face. It really does warm my heart and make my heart sing.
R really was very very sick for almost the whole trip but that didn't stop him from 
trying to have some fun.
"A" and "R" on the dock before they embarked on their adventure.
"R" wanted to go deep sea fishing for his birthday instead of getting a present. The reason they went so early is because after Labor Day the cost to go deep sea fishing doubles and increases even more as the winter sets in. We wanted him to go when the cost was low. I think the fact that it was warm 
was probably nice too.

"A" absolutely LOVED LOVED this trip. She insisted on baiting her own hook and taking the fish off when she caught them. We found out she is a real fisherman!!!

Thankful for R's good attitude which allowed a hard experience not be just miserable for those with him . . . That's my R.
Love him . . . love all of my kiddos . . . so blessed with the children God gave us.

"A" with a small Sea Bass she caught.  She is one happy girl!
Two people on the same boat caught Bull Sharks and the kids were able to 
touch one of them which was cool!

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