Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Off to the Park We Go!

Decided to take the little ones to the park. It was the same day I did the videos of the kiddos swinging. I had forgotten to ask Babe when he left for an errand to leave me the double stroller so I strapped both girls into the front seat of the stroller I had and J sat on the bench (for bigger kids/called sit and stand or something) on the back. It worked pretty well and they were definitely cute! I don't think they would have put up with it for a terribly long period of time.
You can tell they are NOT identical in any way!
Seems strange but at their last checkup just a few weeks ago
they were only about 2 ozs. different in weight and they were the
same height!!!!

This picture was taken on a different trip 
to the park. Baby B really enjoys swinging.

Baby C isn't incredibly thrilled with the swings but 
she can enjoy them some.

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