Sunday, August 24, 2014

Some Clips From R's, A's, and Daddy's Day Deep Sea Fishing

This trip ended up being quite the day for R! What started out as a fun early 8th birthday present turned into hours of sea sickness but he was a champ about it and Daddy said "R" DID NOT complain even though he was clearly MISERABLE. You can hear him in the clip above "don't worry about it":-) R dealt with it and between climbing the sides of the boat to vomit over the edge he did have some time to catch some fish:-) "A" on the other hand did not have to deal with the sea sickness and found she had sea legs.

Despite R's sickness, I think it was a day they will always remember for fun and in "R's" case fun at times! He enjoyed the fishing part it was just the sea part that messed with his stomach. "R" has always had a sensitive stomach since he was a wee little one a little over 8 years ago! Why I didn't think of that ahead of time I'm not sure! After his baby years, as a toddler he would get car sick but he quickly seemed to get over that when we moved to CO and had to drive up a twisty canyon to get home a lot of the time.

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