Sunday, September 14, 2014


Our little clan enjoying a day of sight seeing!
The weather has cooled down which allows time outside to be more pleasant!

It was such a treat for us to be able to go out sight seeing as a family. We didn't know what exactly what to expect and were maybe a tad bit hesitant when it looked like it was mostly a fancy indoor museum which isn't what we had in mind for the twins and J. We LOVE museums but we were looking forward to a day out. We ended up not disappointed! There was so much hands-on things to do and soooo much to see.

As we got to the boats, everyone headed up the plank to the boat and somehow I got talking to an older lady sitting on a bench. She was a friendly lady and we had a nice chat. Toward the end she said "Are you Christian?" She said it in an unusual way NOT saying she was one too but inquisitive). I said "Yes" She said "How did I know?" and then said that it was because "You have a nice family." Praise the Lord. How strange that someone that did not seem to identify with Christ should recognize His children in a positive light?
 Replica of a Powhatan Village
Big C with a fish net in the making at the indian village.

 "J" told me he was "making peanut butter and jelly":-)
Lady making a basket with a bone needle at the indian village.

 Jamestown Fort
 The kids got to play colonial games.
 Baby C with Daddy just outside the Fort

 The kids really enjoyed the hands on things. They got a kick out of this way of carrying water!! The buckets did have water in them!
Ready for an attack on Jamestown! 

 Ready, Aim, Fire!! The Lysne troops are ready!

 "R" preaching at the Jamestown Church!!:-)

 The kids really enjoyed watching the shooting of a matchlock gun!!
This was a highlight for the kids. I was very surprised that the twins weren't bothered by the noise!
 The lady in the background is smiling on as "R" helps
Big C put on the water buckets!
"A" now has an iPad (from Grandma and Grandpa J) to take pictures and video with!

The boys also really enjoyed exploring the ship. Ross maybe a bit to much as you see below:-)

Boys again . . . J making shooting noises.
Big C standing with the statue of Captain John Smith that he had just learned about in school!!!

 This is from Historic Jamestown which is the actual location of Jamestown.
Historic Jamestown

Historic Jamestown

Historic Jamestown. Beautiful.

 Baby B really enjoyed being carried by big sister like this!!
Big C wanted me to take a picture of where Jamestown was which is the picture above. We also learned 
about Jamestown in Kindergarten recently. He has the most amazing Kindergarten social studies book. It is very old. I'll have to blog on that another time. Big C has continued to be so excited about school. Friday night as he was about to get ready for bed he asked me "was my outfit nice for school?" He had picked out a very plain pair of cotton shorts and on ordinary t-shirt but he was wanting to look nice. I assured him that he did look nice:-) He wants to see the pictures taken at Jamestown tomorrow during school time:-) Passion for learning is so important. I am thankful  He has that!

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