Friday, September 12, 2014

Logic and Fallacies

Clip above: Monty Python "The Witch"
This is the clip G got such a kick out of in Logic class.

I was going to write more about G and how school is going for him. Today he just completed his second week and I want to know how my son could change so fast (for the better!). Before school today I went up to his room to tell him to move quickly and he was doing a certain aspect of grooming that we had previously had to often remind him to do but now he said he did not want to go to school without it getting completed because the other boys did it. Happy Mommy!! Love positive peer pressure! Also, I am AMAZED at how he has taken on his homework. At times he feels overwhelmed but lots of the time he is on top of it and seems to enjoy it?!!! He LOVES LOVES LOVES school and his classes (except composition-he never talks badly about. It just is not a favorite). He tells me that everyone at school is nice. This reminds me of when he was in school in Kindergarten and 1st grade he sees the best in people and that is a gift of his.

I have only been in the school one time and at the time a very distinguished lady came up to me and said "He is quite the student." I found out later she and her husband are from New York city and the ones that founded the school. The high school was recently named as one of the top 50 best Christian high schools in America.

Then I went to pick him up from school one day and a lady said that the omnibus (ancient history) teacher is SOOO impressed with G. Praise the Lord, for truly in Him "we live and breathe and have breathe" to do anything. It has thrilled my heart to see how God has given the children gifts and that they are finding them out recently!

G talks and talks about school. Just from what I hear him saying I think his two favorite classes are Logic and Latin. He seems to just eat them up. He is now analyzing as he goes out and about town for fallacies in advertising. Yesterday he came home and had to tell us about a funny video he watched in Logic class and really hit his funny bone. It is funny!!!! The clip above is what he watched in Logic class.

Next week G leaves very early in the morning on Tuesday for a upper school retreat in Lancaster, PA. He is VERY excited about this. We heard that last year one of the foreign exchange students came to a saving knowledge of Christ during this time . . . nothing better than that.

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