Sunday, September 21, 2014

R's 8th Birthday

 "R" requested for his 8th Birthday dinner spaghetti and meatballs!
He REALLY enjoyed that!!
 He requested carrot cake for his birthday cake!
It looked yum yum good and I heard that it was very good!
He was excited that we bought the cake at Mommy's favorite grocery store:-) We took him the night before his birthday to Virginia Beach and went to Whole Foods to pick out his cake. I buy very little there because Whole Foods is a WHOLE LOT of money but it is fun to go look and get something special. They do a GREAT job marketing because you just want to eat when there!! We also got some cupcakes because there are some kiddos that don't care for carrot cake and R wants everyone to enjoy cake time.

R wanted G there for his birthday dinner but G's retreat bus got held up in DC traffic so we had dinner and then waited until he got home to open presents and have cake:-)

Big C spent A LOT of time on this card for R's birthday. They spent time talking about it too!!

A two-headed dragon from Grandma and Grandpa for his warrior toy figurines.

R talking to Grandpa J on the phone about his birthday.
A made a VERY SWEET card for R.
"A" also made "R" a little house for his stuffed "pet" turtle!!!

Babe with two of his 4 warriors.
R was OVER JOYED that we got him the Navy uniform he had seen and the exchange and loved. Above you can see him hugging it and he said I believe "i love it. just what I wanted." His birthday present was going deep sea fishing but his daddy felt so badly for him since he spent so much of the time sick and that he didn't complain that he wanted to get him a gift too. We were SOOO glad we did because he really was over joyed and that filled our hearts with joy. Babe and I were blessed watching R go through his birthday party. He was so happy and kind and grateful to everyone.
I was NOT including "A" in the warrior count but she went and got 
dressed for the occasion!:-) She was the only sister in a boy household for almost 10 years so these things come somewhat naturally to her.

R has really done some maturing this year. He has worked on his skills meeting people and worked on his character. I am really pleased to see how God is working in him.


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