Thursday, January 22, 2015

Here is the Difference between the 2 Girls!!!

The clip right above this is of C and you'll see she keeps putting her head down later that night she got sick and was obviously not feeling well.:-) In the clip of the 2 girls some may wonder why I didn't take back the fork and give it to B again. The purpose of my video taping was to get their interactions with each other.

Baby C and Baby B are SOOOOOO different yet enjoy each other so much. Recently, I put C in bed and she cried while I went to go get Baby B and then when I brought B in C picked up B's bottle and handed it toward her like "ok, here you go now you and I can go to bed." Then another time I put C in her crib first again and then when I brought B in C pointed to B's bed like " Ok, put her right there." They laugh at each other and it is so funny to watch. C is very serious and stubborn and B is very animated, loves music, and to laugh . . . more easy going in some ways. I noticed that sometimes Baby C sees Baby B being praised for being cooperative and then decides "Hey, I want that praise too" so she does the same thing. NICE!

J, our 2 year old, seems to understand the difference between the two extremely well.  He is very rough and tumble with Baby C and usually very sweet and gentle with Baby B. Yesterday, the 3 were in the bath tub and J and Baby C were just really giving it to each other with smacking each other with wash clothes, etc. I came and said who wants to get out? J volunteered Baby B. I had G come and watch the kids in the bath tub while I went to get B dressed. G was telling me how J and C were just going at it with water at each other. J seems to know B is more fragile. The same day later on J was standing just gently hugging and hugging baby B and then even later chasing Baby c in the kitchen. I love that he gets their differences and enjoys them both for who they are.

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