Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Hubby is in Love!

My hubby frequently has to travel to Europe. A few days ago he sent me a text with this picture and said "I am in love." While he is in Europe his rental car is the one above and I guess it has a lot of power and very fun to drive.  He wanted me to show the picture to "J" because "J" LOVES cool cars! J enjoyed seeing the car daddy was driving.

Yesterday I was driving home in the rain and dark from another town and my GPS took me the back roads home. CRAZY!!! I am a fairly adventurous driver but this road had no shoulder and the cars were often hugging the center line and my 15 passenger van is wide. It was NOT fun driving. J heard me talking and said "Daddy will help with car" "Daddy will help with car". He said it many times which I thought was very cute and sweet. I told him daddy would help but he is in Germany and that we should pray for God to help us. When we finally arrived home I heard little J say "God helped us." AMEN, I say to that.

I told a friend of our later and they said "Elbow Rd?" I said "Yes!" they knew exactly what I was talking about and said that road can flood over during rain. Yes, it is named Elbow Rd. because it has a lot of turns in it. Maybe fun during the day without rain:-) Oh, so the funny part . . . J was telling Daddy about our drive as we were face timing him and he told daddy that the "cars were hugging Mommy and that it was bad." Too funny! He heard me say the cars were hugging the line:-)

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