Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Brother's Wedding

This is my older brother B and his bride on January 1st. I think that is such a great day of the year to get married and so romatic!!! Every new year is a remembrance of each other and a new beginning of a year together. Anyway, we think J is a WONDERFUL pick and we have no doubt God brought these two together. A and I flew in for the wedding. I'll post more pictures of A with her cousin A from Colorado. They had a blast together along with my older brothers son C. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding and we were blessed to have been there for it.

I did not get many pictures because I had to where to put my camera that was handy and I was wearing incredibly high heels that made walking around something I didn't enjoy!:-) Here A even has one shoe off and one on:-) she is with her dear friend and cousin A. Oh, well about getting better pictures I hope I'll get some from other people. These pictures were taken right before the ceremony started.
I am not real talented at doing hair but I was really happy with how A's turned out. I found this style on Pinterest.
Girls always enjoy being with Bride's!!!!
Sweet kiss:-)
Bride with the bridesmaids. I REALLY enjoyed meeting the lady right next to me. She was the brides cousin and such a fun person!!!
Me with my now sister-in-law and big brother.

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