Friday, October 16, 2015

Growing up for G

G said the other day part of him wanted it to be next summer so that he could go on a big trip with his sister A that we have been planning for the two of them to relatives homes in the midwest but he was also enjoying this year so much. This was quite a statement for me to hear since last year he LOVED his school, teachers, studies, fellow students. I am so thankful. God led us to some neat opportunities for him online and that coupled with the fact he does school with his oldest sister has made this a fun year. God is good in his guidance and leading when we need it.

The other day G came and wanted me to read Romans 11:1-4 and said that this to him refuted the reformed theological view of Israel. I was so thankful for how he thinks and that he thinks. By the way,  a lot of his school training is by reformed theologians and we are so grateful for their EXCELLENT education and teaching him to think and read critically and he would say that they are the ones that taught him how to think about and analyze things.

He just started a study at our church on evangelism (Way of the Master) and he loved the one class he has been too. Unfortunately, that will have to go on hold while Dad is out of country.

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