Saturday, October 17, 2015

Time in the Trees!!

For his 9th birthday R wanted to go to this adventure park to climb the obstacle course in the trees. We looked forward to doing this but on Saturday when we went little did we know how fun it really was!! WE HAD A BLAST!! It was so much fun and such a great time. It was an activity, it required problem solving, strength, some guts, and we encouraged each other through the courses! If we could have stayed longer we would have but our time came up mid afternoon.

R would ask me to be sure that before I stepped off the platforms to come down that my gear was all properly attatched before I would step off. I thought that was so sweet!

On the way home I told him what I thought of during the day. Going on the obstacle course during the day made me think of Christ. In life we get into scary situations but as life goes on and we see that as a Christian Christ is taking care of us through all life throws at us our faith grows and strengthens because we know God will not let us fall. The obstacle course when you first start is SOOOO scary but soon you realize that you are always clipped in and that holds you through all your falls. Your confidence rises to do the obstacles of the course knowing that you are clipped in to a line that always holds you. So it is if we are hooked in to Christ, he is our life line in whom we can trust through the greatest of challenges and we can attack those challenges head on and with confidence knowing He is there to catch us if we need it.

R came to read me some verses that he had found and read in the Bible. He really liked the first 24 verses of the chapter but one verse stuck out to him and reminded him of that analogy that I mentioned to him on Saturday. He said this verse reminded him of what I was talking to him about on Saturday. It was Psalm 37:24 (Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.) Like to see he is thinking when he reads. So thankful for my R. He is a kiddo filled with enthusiasm, ideas, strong opinions, and energy. I can't wait to see how God uses his life.

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