Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Happy Hands Ministry

 A and R were apart of our church's Happy Hands Ministry this fall. They had a BLAST last night at the Cr*s*s Pregn*ncy fund raising dinner getting to perform sign language to the song "Speak Life" by Toby Mac. R said "I will never forget this". A found she LOVES sign language and really wishes she could continue.

The song was perfect for the ministry. When people speak Christ's love to hurting people it is LIFE.
Unfortunately, how often does love get spoken to hurting people? Thankful that there are ministries that do just that.

What if we all spoke more of Christ's love not our own thoughts and opinions?

 Daddy trying to keep little ones happy during a waiting time for rehearsal.
The venue was beautiful. There was about 1,000 people there.

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