Saturday, November 1, 2014

More Pictures from Great Uncle O's and Great Aunt M's Visit

You may notice looking at the photos that Baby C is photographed with our relatives more than Baby B and this is because Baby C is a lot more tolerant of new people than Baby B. They both are wonderful babies with very different personalities.:-)
These pictures Aunt M took.
Aunt M took this picture of our house (we rent). She did a great job making it look better by using the neighbors beautiful landscaping in the forefront.:-)
Our family coming home from church. J is looking at his coloring Bible story work from church.:-) He did not want to let go of those precious papers!
Out for a walk with relatives. The picture to the right with the gold leaves and fence is actually not in our area. On our relatives trip home they went to an insane asylum that they saw a program about at our house:-) I thought the picture was beautiful!
More walking in our area.
J eating a snack on the patio.
R and Big C shooting toy bows and arrows.
Uncle O relaxing.

Our adorable and cuter than cute Baby B.
One of the things "A" really enjoys here is roller blading. Big C joins in sometimes too.:-) Usually, he just runs with A as she roller blades.
J at the playground.
Aunt M LOVED the girls.
Our adorable and cuter than cute Baby C.
Some of the kiddos out back.
Uncle O reading J books.
"A" playing her piano.
Aunt M and Baby C.

Uncle Nanny as he likes to call himself at times.
Visit to Yorktown.
My handsome hubby with Baby C. (Yorktown)
"A" with Baby B.
Big C enjoys Uncle O. Here they are relaxing together. Very sweet.:-)

Aunt M with Baby C. These 2 got along famously.
Uncle O with Baby C.
Baby C having fun with Uncle O.
Virginia Beach.
A and R having fun in the surf!

Babe with his Aunt M.

Babe with some of the kiddos at Virginia Beach.

Babe with his Uncle O shooting the breeze. What I like about Mid-Westerners is
they love to sit and chat. It is refreshing just to do the simple things.

Aunt M with Baby C.

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