Friday, November 7, 2014

These Pictures Were NOT Posed . . . Just Brothers Being Good Brothers!

R was doing his school and cradling J at the same time. J looks so comfy with his big brother. My dad said when he saw this that it isn't just mother's the multitask!!! R often likes to solve his very young siblings problems. Tonight he was trying to get J to eat his dinner by telling him the food was a cool car that wanted to park in his garage mouth:-)
I know I am biased but I think this is extraordinary for a 2 YEAR OLD BOY to do on his own. Just hanging out with his little Sis. SOOOOO SWEET!! He and Baby C have really started a neat relationship lately. On another post I posted a video of him holding her hand as she walked.

I didn't get a picture but today Baby C was throwing a fit and Big brother C came over and asked if she wanted her belly rubbed and it worked!! How do kids figure these things out!

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