Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"What My Mom and I Look For When We Look for a House"-By (my daughter)

When my mom and I look for a house we have a great time. We usually eat out, sleep in a hotel, and drive around. When we go see a house we look for a place to play, a place for storage, and how far it is from places we need to go. Even though what we feel about a house does matter; what God says matters even more. So, we pray about it to make the best decision possible. When God says, "That's it" we tell every body at home and we move in! And that is how my mom and I look for a house.

"A" had to write a paragraph today and the above was the paragraph.

Parenting is the hardest job I have ever had in my life. As my older children get older I see how important it is for them to be rooted and grounded in the Bible. It must be their anchor for security and their scale for weighing right and wrong. I have much more work to do in letting my time with them be used more in rooting and grounding their faith.  It is so easy to let time slip through my hands. I am so thankful for A's tender heart & her relationship with Christ. J was with her during her personal devotional time tonight and she was teaching him about pharoah and how he said "NO" when asked if the people could go.

"A" has worked hard at her writing and has grown in her ability. She wrote a wonderful book report on Billy Sunday last week that was fun to read!! I feel so blessed by having my children in my life. They are a tremendous blessing to my days.

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