Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Funny and Sweet J

This morning at breakfast I was praying for the 3 littles ones before they ate. I remember thanking God for green grass that the kids can play on, etc. When I got done J (just turned 4) said
"I love God! How did he make all the things in the world without getting tired?"

He was so thankful for all the work God had done on his behalf!! A bit convicting to see that sweet thankful spirit when it is so easy to get caught up in the stresses of life.

Ok, this video we have gotten some great laughs out of! J is very expressive and I am so glad Daddy got this video so as the years pass we can still watch that cuteness!!

G has been wanting me for a while to make sure I put on the blog about J using the word "thumping" instead of something. It is SOOOOO cute!!!

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