Friday, April 29, 2016

Spring is Here!!

R, C, and A made a stick raft modeled after a "Mythbusters" episode they saw. My older brother said now they need to take full scale!!

Mac . . . Grill is not a place we go to super often but
we always love it when we do get to go!

A spring trip up to Washington D.C.

Forget double trouble this is triple trouble!!

Napolean the turtle is out newest addition to our family!
He is R's turtle and Napolean is very well cared for!
Puzzle time with Daddy.
Daddy made the kids a VERY special meal!! He BBQ'd ribs, and made esparagus, and brownies with Ghirradelli chocolate on top after the brownies get out of the oven!! YUMMY!
Yummy ribs!!
Yep, spring with its flowers are here!

Grandpa got the boys all antler horns when he was overseas!
B's first time "roller skating".
Sisters and Friends

Easter Sunday! Daddy was overseas and it was VERY rainy but
we still had the resurrection of our Saviour to celebrate!!

The picture on the right above of the boys playing chess I took for a friend that lives in Colorado and is one of our close friends and former church family there. She sent the kids an Easter care package with these little stuffed animals in it and the kids loved them. I wanted her so see how much! The boys had them close for their game of chess!
Above: Coloring spring pictures for Grandma!
2 Pictures above is the kids all on our crib/toddler bed before C dismantled it for us. It was starting to fall apart and I knew it had to be taken down even thought it made it through all 7 of our babies. Happy memories. We took one last picture to remember it by.

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