Friday, April 29, 2016

Our Little 4 Year Old!

This week with J:

I was reading a books to J and B and as usual Little C didn't want anything to do with the book reading time. She was instead enjoying swinging around a fairly heavy toy snake that kept hitting our book and sending it flying. I kept getting the book again and reading. Finally, I told her that was not kind and settled to read again. All of a sudden J who had showed NO SIGN of anger put himself backward (calmly) and said "Dear God, please forgive me." said J. I said J "what did you do?" J said "I was angry at Kitty" (Little C). Wow! He was asking forgiveness for a sin in his heart not even an action!

J (just turned 4) kept coming to me saying how R wasn't being nice and was annoying him. He wanted to be apart of what R was doing and I guess R wasn't making that easy. J came to me a number of times telling me this but I pretty much stayed out of it except to relay a message to R to be nice (that didn't work:-) Anyway, J came back again and said "Maybe I should bring him paper or a snack."( paper being aka a homemade card he would make with stickers or whatever) I told him I thought that was a good idea. Time went by and J came back to me and said "It worked" I asked what he did "I gave him chips." TOOOOOO funny how a 4 yr old solves the problem!

J yesterday was getting super fussy and crying over truly nothing. He realized that he was being silly so he asked me "Mommy can you leave so I can try again?" So he wanted me to walk away and give him another chance to act to correctly! So I did! I walked away and came back and praised him for acting correctly! He smiled at the praise! What an amazing kiddo!!!

One other story! I took J to the store with me and he was riding in the cart with all the items we had purchased. When we got back to the van he was helping by handing me stuff so I could put it into the trunk. When we were done I was pushing the cart over to the cart return with him still in it. He said, "Last but not least, Me!"  I laughed and laughed!! He is soooooo funny!!

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