Tuesday, April 19, 2016

R's Haikus

This year R (9 years old) learned some about Haikus and had to write some on his own.

Here is what a haiku is:

"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetryHaiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of aHaiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. (definition taken from Kidzone.com)

Here are his creative works! I did correct spelling and some capitalization. He really struggles with those and honestly I am not even sure I did it right! But I thought he did a FANTASTICALLY CREATIVE job!!

Freezing cold it falls
It looks like salt on the road
Ouch it hits your hand.    


A place to be free
Fifty states in harmony
Oh, how I love it.


Shoots of grass spring up
Beautiful smells everywhere
The deer have their does.


It towers above
Oh, the purple majesty
Blanketed with white.

(Pikes Peak) He is familiar with Pikes Peak because we lived next to it for 3 years and loved it!

Red, yellow, brown, they fall
They all come down from their tree
Pretty as can be.

(leaves in Fall)

It covers your roof
Lightly it falls on the ground
It makes the sky white.


Zoom it flashes by
It runs all over the sky
Oh how bright it is.

(a shooting star)

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