Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ninja Certification

 Big sister "A" has worked with little "J" on becoming a "ninja". She used a vest we had purchased from the dollar store and when he would complete a "ninja" task she would make him a felt badge and put it on his vest. Oh boy did he like this! He also got items like the dollar store toy knife on his wrist after completing tasks. Tasks included such things as walking up the stairs quietly, sneaking up on mommy and giving her a hug without me turning to see him coming, staying in his bed at nap times or night night 3 times (that is a big task but he made it!), etc. She made the above certificate for him on the computer as having successfully completed jr. ninja training. What a special memory for the 2 of them to have as the years go by.

In the above picture she used painters tape to put the big N on his outfit and below she made his hat.

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