Wednesday, January 8, 2014

An Old Fashioned Christmas For Our Church Family

When I was a little girl my dad used to put paper bags together for our church family at Christmas time. In the bag he would put peanuts, Old Fashioned Creme Drops, and ribbon candy. He would also have people help pass out either a big orange or beautiful red apple to everyone! Great memories!

This is the second time our family has done this in recent years. I didn't do the ribbon candy
this year because where I was looking it was just to costly but I thought the Sweet Stripes Candy
was a good replacement and fit in with the theme. On the back on the tag I wrote
 "Merry Old-Fashioned Christmas."

My oldest son G wood burned a tree ornament for each family in our church . . . well, we ended up
two short but close!! Our church family is one where there is a balance of truth and love and for 
that we will be forever grateful. They have been a healing balm to us over the last year after
not always having what we do now. God knew we would need their love and support over this
last year and love and support is what they have given us in quantity.

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