Thursday, January 2, 2014

Books I Read To The Kids This Fall

The Adventures of Missionary Heroism
-John C. Lambert

We really enjoyed reading this book especially the second half. This is a long book and did take us awhile to read through and is really at an upper reading level. The youngest I would recommend is upper elementary due to vocabulary and some VERY gruesome stories. These men and women were SOLD OUT to Christ. It was amazing to read of their great faith against all odds. I found it so neat how many of these men were outdoorsmen and had an explorer spirit. God will use our strengths and interests to serve Him if we're willing to give them over to be used.

 I have NEVER heard any of these stories before which made it all the more fun to read! I was excited to hear of Norwegian missionaries (my husband is of Norwegian decent)! In the 1800's the Hudson Bay Company brought missionaries into a region because the trappers who lived way up in the super rugged north started coming south to here a much talked about missionary tell them of Jesus Christ. Some of the best trapping was up there and the Hudson Bay Company didn't want to lose these trapper men so they brought missionaries in to evangelize the north areas so the trappers would stay put!!!! How amazing is that!! That is where the Norwegian missionaries came in . . . the terrain they wanted these missionaries to go to was so rough that they needed to get people that were already used to roughing it hence Norway!

Nobody Loves Me
-O.F. Walton

I am a fan of Lamplighter books. I love how they make the teaching and importance of Christ-like character so compelling. This book was about an old lady whom nobody loved and in return she loved nobody. The story shows how God put a series of events in her life to point her to Christ. It was a rough rough road but she accepted the love of Christ and was shown Christ's love through someone who could have held a grudge against her but instead encouraged and embraced her. This book made me cry. Hearing of peoples loneliness to me is one of the hardest things to hear but how beautiful to see how God made all things beautiful in His time.

Jack the Conqueror
-C.F. Bowen

This is one of my favorite Lamplighter books right near the top with Teddy's Button. Jack is a little boy who doesn't have much going for him in life; in fact, his life has really nothing good. He meets a man who gives some words of wisdom concerning working to overcome the difficulties of life.  This little boy takes the man's words to heart and works to improve himself and overcome difficulties. 
The Lord brings people into our lives for a reason and sometimes it is to sharpen us.
I still remember tidbits of wisdom a lady gave me back when I was newly married and then a new mother. She was not a believer but honestly she had it spot on on some things. I have friends I have crossed paths with that left me with examples of strengths in different areas of life.

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River Of Danger-
by Denise Williamson

This book is the first book we have read in the "God's Tough Guys" series and is the story of Samuel Kirkland who was a missionary to the American indians. This guy was amazing at cross-cultural communication! Not only was he good at verbal communication but his love for Christ translated to a deep love of the indians which led some to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Christ. 

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 

13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

Snow Treasure-
by Marie McSwigan

This is a favorite of our older kids and this was the second time our 2 oldest have heard the story. The   first time Daddy read it to them several years a ago. It is a true story about a Norwegian village during WWII that was taken over by the Nazis. The village had a lot of gold that they did not want to get into the hands of the Nazis so the Norwegian children get the gold past the Nazis by putting the gold on sleds and hiding it under snowmen!! Such a fun and suspenseful story!! Wonderful story that shows the obedience (obedience at an amazing level) and bravery of children and the difference those things can have.

A Little Princess
-by Frances Hodgson Burnett

This classic is another favorite book in our house and also was read a few years back. The story is about Sarah who is the daughter of any incredibly wealthy father and is treated like royalty and is dressed like a princess having only the best of everything. She wonders if she would be such a nice person though if she did not have the advantages she has in life. Well those advantages are taken away when her father passes away and it is thought that his money was all lost. 

She becomes a lonely servant and by many she is treated poorly. Unfortunately, she treats people "nicely" for the wrong reasons. Instead, of understanding that she is a princess of her Heavenly Father the Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords. One of the reasons she is "nice" is because she likes the feeling of power over people . . . of having control despite their lack of it. It also references magic which is sad that good in her life is not rightfully seen as God's loving and watchful work in her life. But all these things give good talking points while reading.

Matthew 5:45-47

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

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