Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Family Christmas Pictures

 This is all the kiddos together! 
 "A" with little sissy B.
 Big brother G with J.
 Baby C
 Baby B
 Big brother R with babies B & C.
 The 4 oldest kids were dressed up because they were going to a church down in the Springs that had a special Christmas hymn sing. Different churches sent musical groups to this large church and had a program. I think that is really neat! Anyway, the four oldest kids sang for it. Unfortunately, Babe was working that night and I needed to stay home with the twins so they could stay away from germs. 

Our good friends took them down to sing. My friend is the one that worked with them on their song and got them ready for this. She is truly a force of good in our family and so is her husband. They had an AMAZING night and came home SOOOO excited. They were THRILLED to see a hand bell choir!!!! The Lord really helped them in their singing and it went well.  That was a big difference for the kids going from our small church to a big one. 

It is such an encouragement to have good friends that help and encourage. 

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