Thursday, January 2, 2014

My C

This is "My C". He says to me "My Mommy" and I say to him "My C". The year 2013 was a big year for C. He is starting to grow up he learned to write his name but most importantly he asked Jesus to be his Saviour! We were so thankful for his decision to be a follower of Jesus!

Some cute things Carson has said recently:
1.  I heard him softly talking to one of the twins (I don't remember which one) and I heard him say "Just remember . . . " I was curious so I asked him "Remember what?" He said, "Remember where I am at." HOW SWEET! He was telling his baby sister to just remember where they could find him the big brother!

2. We were in the van recently and Carson said "When my feet are sparkly it is hard to walk." Translation is  . . . when my feet are asleep it is hard to walk." Very cute!!

3. He was talking to Baby B and said "You and C are precious." This was said in a reassuring way. He is such a sweetie with them.

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