Thursday, January 2, 2014

My J

This is my little J. He is a BIG time cutie. He is also very independent and confident. The kids will say he is not afraid of the dark or cold! I've called him "Bear" sometimes because he is so strong minded.  For awhile this past fall whenever he would walk into a room he would look at whoever was in the room wave and say "Hi!" It was so cute.

When I sing him songs as I rock him he has certain songs that he recognizes . . . . like the "Joy of the Lord is my Strength . . . He fills my heart with gladness" and then he will say "ha, ha, ha" for the laughing noise. Or "I have decided to follow Jesus . . . no turning back" he will start to shake his head   "No". Or "Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you" he'll shrug his shoulders up and start to giggle knowing that when I say "you, you, you" I'll take my finger and poke him in the chest. It is funny though if I sing a silly song where maybe I make up the words or ham up a song he DOESN'T like that and will say "DOP!" for "Stop!"

He will walk through the house calling "MMMaaa, Maaa!!" which is also very cute to hear.

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