Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Ton Of Work!! Actually, 22 Tons Of Work To Be Exact!!

Ahh, the eager anticipation of the rocks with the dump truck!!

Little "J" wanted to be part of it all for a few minutes!
 We are in the process of selling our house right now in preparation for our move this summer. Actually, I am finally getting this entry done and our house is under contract which is a big answer to prayer. Anyway, our driveway was in real need of more gravel so a few weeks ago Babe showed some of the kiddos how to measure the driveway in preparation for gravel and then we went and picked out the gravel type. Days later we received 22 tons of gravel that was delivered in heaps and needed to be spread out.

No, we did not expect to use plastic rakes but everyone wanted a work tool at this point in the day! "R" and I went out and bought more metal working tools!!! Daddy told us to buy metal rakes and a shovel. When we were at the hardware store we saw little metal back scratchers (weird thing to sell at a hardware store but they were there!) and "R" and I thought it would be so funny to buy those and take them back to Daddy and say we got the metal rakes!!! But . . .  a wast of money so we had to get a kick out of our funny idea ourselves!!

We had a good time joking around and talking while working which was nice. It was a beautiful day for the job. It was cool and sunny-perfect.

The picture below is of the boys watching the dump truck deliver the last 8 tons of gravel.

Babe joked and asked if I was documenting him working by taking pictures of him. That is a big joke because he is a very hard worker!!

I've said that someday we'll say "remember that time we moved 22 tons of rocks?" and Ahh, Yes we WILL remember and we'll remember we did it together. Honestly, I love that. Thanks kids for being willing to help Daddy and Mommy.

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