Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Fox And The Hound

 "G" shoveled alot that day and also wanted to help out some of the neighbors by
shoveling for them. He was a tired boy and ended up taking a nap that day
which is very rare for him!!!
 After Babe and I trampled down snow for the Fox and Hound track then 
"A" and some of the boys went over it again really packing down the snow.
"A" had a good technique on her hands and knees that worked great!
Mmm, Mmm, tasty fresh snow!
That's "A" for you!

When I was a kid my younger brother and I would play "Fox and Hound" when there was newly fallen snow. First, you make a crazy trail around the yard and pack it down really well so you can run on it. Then after you have a trail you play tag but you can only run on the path of the trail! Whoever gets tagged is next. SOOO FUN!! Babe and I were out there marching around the yard this morning on our track flattening the path for the kids. The neighbors may have thought we had lost our minds!!! This may be our last good play in the snow before we move so we need to have fun with it! In this video this was one of our "Fox and Hound" games from today.

Yes, this is really our weather mid-May! 

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